Pascal EBNF Definition

This document is an Extended Backus-Naur Form definition of the Pascal programming language.

Notation: Square brackets [ ] delimit optional constructs; braces { } indicate zero or more repetitions of the enclosed construct; parantheses ( ) indicate simple grouping of constructs; a vertical bar | indicates choice of one from many; literal text in definitions is denoted using bold font or double quotation marks " ".

Credits: Copyright Stephen Fitzpatrick, Department of Computer Science, The Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland. This document may be used for non-profit purposes only; no part of this document may be duplicated unless this copyright notice is included.

References: I hope this definition is accurate (and would appreciate any corrections), but it cannot be taken as being definitive. For more information, see the ISO standard `ISO 7185:1990' or a good text book such as "Introduction to Pascal" by Jim Welsh and John Elder, Prentice Hall, International Series in Computer Science, ISBN 0-13-491549-6.

Last major revision: October 1995
Last updates: August 1996 (SF), May 2002 (BdT)

Definitions of Syntactic Classes

Programs and Blocks

program =
program-heading block "." .
program-heading =
program identifier "(" identifier-list ")" ";" .
block =
declaration-part statement-part .
declaration-part =
[ label-declaration-part ]
[ constant-definition-part ]
[ type-definition-part ]
[ variable-declaration-part ]
procedure-and-function-declaration-part .
label-declaration-part =
label label { "," label } ";" .
constant-definition-part =
const constant-definition ";" { constant-definition ";" } .
constant-definition =
identifier "=" constant .
type-definition-part =
type type-definition ";" { type-definition ";" } .
type-definition =
identifier "=" type .
variable-declaration-part =
var variable-declaration ";" { variable-declaration ";" } .
variable-declaration =
identifier-list ":" type .
procedure-and-function-declaration-part =
{ (procedure-declaration | function-declaration) ";" } .
procedure-declaration =
procedure-heading ";" procedure-body |
procedure-heading ";" directive |
procedure-identification ";" procedure-body .
procedure-body =
block .
function-declaration =
function-heading ";" function-body |
function-heading ";" directive |
function-identification ";" function-body .
function-body =
block .
directive =
forward | compiler-defined-directives .
statement-part =
begin statement-sequence end .

Procedure and Function Definitions

procedure-heading =
procedure identifier [ formal-parameter-list ] .
function-heading =
function identifier [ formal-parameter-list ] ":" result-type .
result-type =
type-identifier .
procedure-identification =
procedure procedure-identifier .
function-identification =
function function-identifier .
formal-parameter-list =
"(" formal-parameter-section { ";" formal-parameter-section } ")" .
formal-parameter-section =
value-parameter-section |
variable-parameter-section |
procedure-parameter-section |
function-parameter-section .
value-parameter-section =
identifier-list ":" parameter-type .
variable-parameter-section =
var identifier-list ":" parameter-type .
procedure-parameter-section =
procedure-heading .
function-parameter-section =
function-heading .
parameter-type =
type-identifier | conformant-array-schema .
conformant-array-schema =
packed-conformant-array-schema |
unpacked-conformant-array-schema .
packed-conformant-array-schema =
packed array "[ " bound-specification " ]" of type-identifier .
unpacked-conformant-array-schema =
array "[ " bound-specification { ";" bound-specification } " ]"
of (type-identifier | conformant-array-schema) .
bound-specification =
identifier ".." identifier ":" ordinal-type-identifier .
ordinal-type-identifier =
type-identifier .


statement-sequence =
statement { ";" statement } .
statement =
[ label ":" ] (simple-statement | structured-statement) .
simple-statement =
[ assignment-statement | procedure-statement | goto-statement ] .
assignment-statement =
(variable | function-identifier) ":=" expression .
procedure-statement =
procedure-identifier [ actual-parameter-list ] .
goto-statement =
goto label .
structured-statement =
compound-statement | repetitive-statement | conditional-statement | with-statement .
compound-statement =
begin statement-sequence end .
repetitive-statement =
while-statement | repeat-statement | for-statement .
while-statement =
while expression do statement .
repeat-statement =
repeat statement-sequence until expression .
for-statement =
for variable-identifier ":=" initial-expression (to | downto) final-expression do statement .
initial-expression =
expression .
final-expression =
expression .
conditional-statement =
if-statement | case-statement .
if-statement =
if expression then statement [ else statement ] .
case-statement =
case expression of
case-limb { ";" case-limb } [ ";" ]
end .
case-limb =
case-label-list ":" statement .
case-label-list =
constant { "," constant } .
with-statement =
with record-variable { "," record-variable } do statement .
actual-parameter-list =
"(" actual-parameter { "," actual-parameter } ")" .
actual-parameter =
actual-value | actual-variable | actual-procedure | actual-function .
actual-value =
expression .
actual-procedure =
procedure-identifier .
actual-function =
function-identifier .


expression =
simple-expression [ relational-operator simple-expression ] .
simple-expression =
[ sign ] term { addition-operator term } .
term =
factor { multiplication-operator factor } .
factor =
variable | number | string | set | nil | constant-identifier | bound-identifier | function-designator | "(" expression ")" | not factor .
relational-operator =
"=" | "<>" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | "in" .
addition-operator =
"+" | "-" | or .
multiplication-operator =
"*" | "/" | div | mod | and .
variable =
entire-variable | component-variable | referenced-variable .
entire-variable =
variable-identifier | field-identifier .
component-variable =
indexed-variable | field-designator | file-buffer .
indexed-variable =
array-variable "[ " expression-list " ]" .
field-designator =
record-variable "." field-identifier .
set =
"[ " element-list " ]" .
element-list =
[ expression { "," expression } ] .
function-designator =
function-identifier [ actual-parameter-list ] .
file-buffer =
file-variable "^" .


type =
simple-type | structured-type | pointer-type | type-identifier .
simple-type =
subrange-type | enumerated-type .
enumerated-type =
"(" identifier-list ")" .
subrange-type =
lower-bound ".." upper-bound .
lower-bound =
constant .
upper-bound =
constant .
structured-type =
[ packed ] unpacked-structured-type .
unpacked-structured-type =
array-type | record-type | set-type | file-type .
array-type =
array "[ " index-type { "," index-type } " ]" of element-type .
index-type =
simple-type .
element-type =
type .
record-type =
record field-list end .
set-type =
set of base-type .
base-type =
type .
file-type =
file of file-component-type .
file-component-type =
type .
pointer-type =
"^" type-identifier .

Record Fields

field-list =
[ (fixed-part [ ";" variant-part ] | variant-part) [ ";" ] ] .
fixed-part =
record-section { ";" record-section } .
record-section =
identifier-list ":" type .
variant-part =
case tag-field type-identifier of variant { ";" variant } .
tag-field =
[ identifier ":" ] .
variant =
case-label-list ":" "(" field-list ")" .


output-list =
output-value { "," output-value } .
output-value =
expression [ ";" field-width [ ":" fraction-length ] ] .
field-width =
expression .
fraction-length =
expression .

Variable and Identifier Categories

identifier =
letter { letter | digit } .
file-variable =
variable .
referenced-variable =
pointer-variable "^" .
record-variable =
variable .
pointer-variable =
variable .
actual-variable =
variable .
array-variable =
variable .
field-identifier =
identifier .
constant-identifier =
identifier .
variable-identifier =
identifier .
type-identifier =
identifier .
procedure-identifier =
identifier .
function-identifier =
identifier .
bound-identifier =
identifier .

Low Level Definitions

variable-list =
variable { "," variable } : .
identifier-list =
identifier { "," identifier } .
expression-list =
expression { "," expression } .
number =
integer-number | real-number .
integer-number =
digit-sequence .
real-number =
digit-sequence "." [ unsigned-digit-sequence ] [ scale-factor ] |
digit-sequence scale-factor .
scale-factor =
("E" | "e")digit-sequence .
unsigned-digit-sequence =
digit { digit } .
digit-sequence =
[ sign ] unsigned-digit-sequence .
sign =
"+" | "-" .
letter =
"A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G" | "H" | "I" | "J" | "K" | "L" | "M" | "N" | "O" | "P" | "Q" | "R" | "S" | "T" | "U" | "V" | "W" | "X" | "Y" | "Z" | "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h" | "i" | "j" | "k" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p" | "q" | "r" | "s" | "t" | "u" | "v" | "w" | "x" | "y" | "z" .
digit =
"0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" .
string =
"'" string-character { string-character } "'" .
string-character =
any-character-except-quote | "''" .
label =
integer-number .
constant =
[ sign ] (constant-identifier | number) | string .

Main Categories of Syntactic Classes

Programs and Blocks, Procedure and Function Definitions, Statements, Expressions, Types, Record Fields, Input/Output, Variable and Identifier Categories, Low Level Definitions

Alphabetical List of Syntactic Classes

Copyright: Dr S. Fitzpatrick (email,
Department of Computer Science,
The Queen's University of Belfast.

This version is slightly modfified by Bernhard Treutwein (bdt (at), the original version can be found at: Original Pascal EBNF